Me, Me, Me, Me!Why am I in the doghouse?Well, I don't really know, but I sort of have my suspicion. It has to do with me and Mr.T being 888DAGgers.
Who put me in the doghouse?A very good friend!
What am I going to do about being in the doghouse?I'm not to sure what to do next. All my calls and sms have been unanswered.
What is it I would like to say to my friend?I would like to explain to my friend that 888 really just means giving
Safety to all the World's people,
Access to the basic necessities of life and supporting a culture of
Inclusion. That is what 888 is all about and as an 888DAGger I strongly believe that we can make it happen.
Will I change my behavior because people don't understand the 888 philosophy?No, but I will try to find different avenues that hopefully will make people understand.
Your friend will work it out eventually, LeOpard. Cats are always cool, even in the doghouse.
Of course any really good friend will open the doghouse door fairly quickly-if not they can mope about on their own-everyone has their own time frame and we just have to give them theirs...
I hope you don't ever change your behaviour, Mr LeOpard. It's what makes us love you. As pommygran8 said, your friend might just need some time. xx
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