31 July, 2008

Schlampis best EVER Winter Soup/Suppe


Roasted Vegetables, which must be leftovers from the Roast Dinner the night before, including
  • Purpel Sweet Potatoe
  • Red Sweet Potatoe
  • Beetroot
  • Carrot
  • Swede
  • Parsnip
  • Garlic
  • Caramelized Leek
  • Corn
  • Fungi
Vegetable are scrubbed, not peeled. Then tossed and roasted in the following mix of
  • Lemon Juice
  • Pure Sesame Oil
  • Chilly Oil
  • Olive Oil
  • Left over wine
  • Almonds
  • Rosemary
  • Salt & Pepper
the next day add Chilli and then blast Roasted Vegetables in a Pressure Cooker twice! until Pressure Cooker whistles.


Add some Continental Veal Frankfurters - LeeOpards favorite

Add some green Veg such as Snap peas

Springle with Maggie Beer Vino Cotto

Voilà, the best Winter Soup EVER made by Schlampi!

Email von Papa - Smileys

In his quest of conquering the internet, Papa has discovered Smileys :)

Hey Ihr lieben,

Will mahl sehen,ob ich richtig die Adresse aufgeschrieben hab.

Ich habe grade Markus geschrieben und zum Manfred gesendet.Ist ja kein Problem,Markus eMail Adresse neu

eingeben und ab geht die Post.

Es grüßt Euch Horst 2 Ich hab mir schon gedacht,das was verkehrt ist.

29 July, 2008

Greetings from Beijing


Safety First - found in the wardrobe of my hotel room

The Nest

The Cube


And while you are in town have some peaches, they are in season - so juicy, so delicious, so yummy...

A day in the life of Feelion

Feelion and LeeOpard have so much in common.....

27 July, 2008

The Winner is.... Spain again!!!!

This time the hot Spaniels won the Tour de France. To be precise Carlos Sastre won, beating Aussie Cadel Evans by a minute in the overall Tour de France. I wonder what will be next for Spain. I'll keep you posted.....

22 July, 2008

Shopping in... Bangkok, Siam Square

Bangkok is a shoppers heaven. Your shopping experience will stretch from local outdoor markets to big air conditioned shopping malls. If you only have 24 hours in town I would recommend that you base yourself at Siam Square. You will find quite a few shopping expierences such as Paragon, Gaysorn (Gay what?), MBK, Siam Center, Discovery Center, Zen and Underground Market to name a few.

Paragon, Discovery and Gaysorn are the more upmarket malls, catered to the "Label Queen" amongst us, who can't do Bangkok without Gucci or Prada. However on the two top floor of Gaysorn are a few fabulous Home Decorating Stores and a great selection of Top Thai Designers which are worth a visit (if your figure is more on the petite side of life).

Next door to Gaysorn is the Underground Markets, ideal if you are after cheap souvenirs or copy items such as handbags, shirts, DVD's and watches. MBK however is 'the place' for copy items, all 8 floors of it. Make sure you familiarize yourself with the location of UR NEAREST EMERGENCY EXIT, it's a maze!!! And don't forget to bargain hard!!

Siam Center and Siam Square is the place where young shoppers meet. You will find a lot of shops and stalls with locally designed fashion. They have very groovy and trendy stuff on offer. Personally I'm a bit to old for most of it - or maybe not :)

In between shopping you definitely should try some of the local cuisine. There are lots of places to eat, but my recommendation would be the 'Intra'(diagonal of the Novotel Siam Square). As far as I am concerned, Thai food doesn't get better than that. It's tasty, it's cheap, it's cheerful.

And to finish off a hard day of shopping, spoil yourself at the lavish THANN Spa at Gaysorn or have a relaxing foot massage at Lek, which personally is my favorite.

Happy Shopping viz ze LeeOpard 888

20 July, 2008

Funny Shit :)

Miss Mann

The Winner is.....

Spain! The Pope just announced that the next WYD will be held in 2011 in Madrid, Spain. Spain has made quite a few progressive decision lately in liberalizing its laws, such as legalizing same sex marriage. Good on them!


There is no way to happiness - happiness is the way


Dr Liu practices Chinese Medicine and he has done wonders so far. In the last 18 months Dr.Liu has fixed my tennis elbow, a knee injury, as well as upper and lower back problems. Today I saw him for a ligament injury in my thumb and I have no doubts that he will fix this as well. Dr Liu has the magic touch and always manages to exactly pin point the problem. A few massages and needles later you are cured, perfect.

Scan me!

19 July, 2008

Email von Papa II

Hey Markus, wo wie was,wo bist Du,wie geht es Dir,was tust Du.

Bist Du irgend wo in der Welt unterwegs.Ich werde morgen mal anrufen.

Mit meinen Nerv will es noch nicht so richtig werden.So kann ich auch nicht richtig laufen.

Bin noch in Behandlung,aber es bring nichts.Muß mir mal anderen Rat holen.

Komm mir vor wie ein alter Mann,der nicht mehr richtig laufen kann.

Aber man soll die Hoffnung nicht aufgeben,das es wider wird.

Sonst ist weiter nichts los.

Ach so,der Papst ist ja bei euch,hast Du was mit bekommen?.

Es grüßt Dein Vater.

05 July, 2008

DAG Digital Art Gallery

888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888

Email von Papa

Papa is 75 years old, gelernter Konditormeister, pensioniert and just discovered the internet. He has been emailing for the last 6 weeks and is eager to learn more. I'm looking forward to showing him the www
Here is one of his emails:

Bin grade aufgestanden,es ist 6 Uhr,15 Grad keine Wolke am Himmel,soll aber heiß werden.
Gehe aber gleich noch mal ins Bett.
Mit meinen zwei Damen hier wollen wir heute grillen.
Jutta hat mich heute zum mittag Essen eingeladen,ihre Mutter u. Bruder kommt noch.
Wir Grillen erst abens.
Der bessere soll gewinnen.Die Deutschen fahren alle Autos über 100000 was sollen sie
sich noch anstrengen.
Wie geht es Dir ohne Auto´?.Bei den Benzin Preisen bestimmt gut.Hir kostet der Liter 1,60.
Es haben schon viele zu knabern.Soll ja noch steigen.Bis jetzt sind die Autobahnen noch voll.
Es kommt so richtig kühle Luft in die Wohnung.Hau mich wieder hin.

Dein Paps