26 February, 2010

Mutti's Lentil Soup Recipe

Mutti’s Lentil Soup Recipe


1 pound of dry brown lentils

3 medium size potatoes peeled and diced

1 Suppengrün (soup mix?) – cut up onion, carrot, leek, kohlrabi

1 cube of vegetable stock

4 german style beef sausages or as many as you like

250 gram (35 oz) Speck or Dörrfleisch see pic

Cover lentils overnight with about 1cm (2 inches) of water above the lentils to soften them. Drain water the next day.

Put lentils in a big pot and cover with water about 15cm (6 inches) above the lentils. Add some salt, vegetable stock and Suppengrün as well as the Dörrfleisch. Bring it to a simmer – never boil!!

About ½ hour before lentils are soft – which is when they still have a bit of a bite to them, add the potatoes as well as the sausages. Take the Dörrfleisch out and cut it up, then put it back to the soup.

Guten Appetit J