12 October, 2008

A special day

Yesterday was a very special day. It was Miss M's 1. Birthday Party - daughter of DutchKiwiAussie. Going back 12 months ago we weren't sure if we would see Miss M 1. Birthday at all. Miss M was born pre-mature and when I saw her at the hospital she looked so tiny and fractile, in a crib connected to tubes. DutchKiwiAussie's pregnacy was anything but easy, especially at the final stages where she had to be hospitalized and wasn't aloud to move. In order to save the live of mother and child, birth had to be induced. It was a worrying time. But never the less hope, trust and believe was all Miss M's parents had. Therefore yesterday was a very special day and I'm proud that I was able to be part of Miss M 1. Birthday Party and I look forward to many, many more to come.



TomDiggleHarry said...

Happy Birthday Miss M!! Wow...what an amazing achievement, thank goodness for having Miss M in our world today.

Lise said...

Wow! If you look at gorgeous Miss M, you would never think she had been through all that at the start of her life!!!

schatzi said...

Thanks LeOpard, it meant a lot to me to have you there! XXX

pommygran8 said...

gosh-what a traumatic beginning for all of you but what a gorgeous child she is-lucky lucky lucky-many more happy days ahead I am sure