I don't know what is happening lately, but I have been encountering quite a few people who are so fearful - specially when they see me and the camera and I'm not sure what they are afraid of. Even amongst some 888DAGgers fear has crept in.
So lets talk about it!!!!! What are we afraid of?
[ed-I'm afraid of Helga!]http://www.888dag.com/
I'd like to think I'm cautious, rather than fearful. The thing is that the internet, whilst it is an amazing forum, is open to abuse, as there is no governing body. I just rather be safe than sorry..
I agree with schatzi that caution is gr8 - 888 SAFETY FIRST 888 - and we should all be mindful of that.
For me caution involves taking appropriate actions to mitigate risk (including talking here).
Fear - on the other hand - is something that is always with us - an evolutionary necessity to save us from the lions and tigers and bears, oh my...
As Nelson Mandela said "Courage is not the absence of fear, but inspiring others to move beyond it"
I'm just watching SBS where two 77 year-old women in Beijing have been sentenced to 2 years in a "re-education camp" for daring to apply for a license to protest. Then they invited the Western media to see them.
That is courage.
They are 888.
I was always concerned about what people would thing of me - until I came to the realization that it was a total waste of time. Check it out
I think it's natural for people to close up in front of a camera initially. I remember one of your earlier DAG videos, when you were talking with Feelion and she said she found it hard to talk with a 'Third Eye' watching her. Fast Forward to DAG Day last week and Feelion was dancing like no-one was watching with the rest of us! Most people will come around - and if they don't, then we just breathe and move on :o)
fear is a useless emotion, like worry..... why fear something that might not happen, it's like paying interest on money you have never borrowed.
Fear is also useful, it helps us all to be aware and recognise why we're afraid and to beware what lies ahead of us. It is a bit like yin and yang, to fear or to fear not. Without fear, we would be harmful - with fear, we are protected. To you, to us, and to ourselves. Let fear breathe through you and pass...
big bad wolves are not scared at all...
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